Copy the content of a .quest file in the light violet box. And the content of a conversation file in the turquoise box. Hit the respective buttons. Limitations: write buttons write only the first read quest/ conversation. Stringtables for Conversations can span multiple files. Read them all one after another. On selecting a Node (Box) all ingoing links get blue, and all outgoing links get green. If a speaker name is "-" then this npc has got no name. Its not up to date with the Expansions.
Conditions can now be edited. The question mark icon and each parameter name has a short description text on hover.
New Nodes
Completly from scratch: Hit the “Read Quest” and “Read Conversation” button with an empty textbox. Behind the crude labeled Buttons is the Function to create new Nodes. They will order themself yust downward. To reorder them it is currently necessary to export and reread the quest / conversation.